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 土地产权 农地弃耕 土地颁证    


 land property abandoned land land title    




The stability and safety of cultivated land is the foundation of agricultural stability. However, with the development of industrialization and urbanization, the situation of abandonment is becoming more and more serious and has not yet been effectively managed. This paper attempts to explore the impact of land property security on farmers 'abandonment by using theoretical analysis and empirical test from the perspective of farmers' land property security, and use the 2014 China Labor Dynamic Survey (CLDS2014) to analyze it. The results showed that the land property safety was improved by the land grant, which had significant inhibitory effect on the farmer's abandonment and the area of abandoned land. For different types of cultivated land, the enhancement of property security was inhibited by paddy field Which is significantly higher than that of dry land. The effect of land certification is more obvious for village farmers who have not experienced land adjustment and land acquisition. Compared with hills and mountains, farmers' abandonment is more sensitive to land property security. Finally, the article puts forward the corresponding policy suggestions from the perspective of land property security to reduce land abandonment.




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