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 可转换债券 定价模型 二叉树    







Convertible Bonds is a kind of rather complicated derivatives, which has the characteristics of both common bonds and stocks. Extensive Research has been made in the field of Convertible Bond pricing. It is one of the creative financial tools in the capital market. On one hand, the investors can have more choices in asset allocation and risk dispersion. On the other hand, benefited from ingenious and diversified product design, the issuers can make more reasonable judgments in the field of financial structure, promoting the company shares rising.

In the academic circles, because of the derivative property, the gradual evolution in of the pricing method in convertible bond pricing depends largely on development of the option pricing model. The earliest model can be as simple as seeing convertible as a combination of the investment value and convertible value. Afterwards, the advent of Black-Scholes in the middle of 1970s becomes a significance milestone of the derivative pricing. Later on, the two-factor model based on stock price and interest rate has been introduced, and the numerical solution has made the pricing model more empirically accurate.

In this paper, the study of convertible bond is based on the binary tree pricing model, which, compared with the traditional pricing model, is more practical to some extent. In the part of theoretical model construction, I introduce derivatives pricing based on stocks and bonds using the binominal tree method. Then I illustrate the approach of how to select the value on each node of the binominal tree. Finally I explain its economic meaning behind each special provision. In the third part of empirical analysis, I simplify the theoretical model appropriately, and enact it into a specific case. Then I compare my theoretical price with the current market price, and some possible reasons of the phenomenon are given.

Key Words: Convertible Bonds;Pricing Model;Binominal Tree




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