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 Pursuit of the Female Self-- An Ecofeminist Interpretation of Willa Cather’s O, Pioneers!    


 生态女性主义 ; 亚历山德拉 ; 自然 ; 女性身份    


 Ecofeminism ; Alexandra ; Nature ; Female Identity    

《啊,拓荒者!》是薇拉·凯瑟的“草原三部曲”之一。许多学者从移民、女性主义、生态主义三个方面研究这部小说。基于上述研究,本论文从生态女性主义分析小说,阐明作品中自然和女性的关系。 生态女性主义认为,人类中心主义对于自然的征服和男权主义对于女性的压制存在对应关系。这个理论扎根于父权主义文化的支配性二元论,即男性/女性,人类/自然被弱化,追求自然和女性的解放,意图实现人与自然、男性与女性之间的和谐关系。 《啊,拓荒者!》中代表第一代女性开拓者是伯格森太太。她表现出来是“家庭天使”的典型形象。她了解主妇的身份并顺从丈夫的统治。她对自然的理解处于萌芽阶段而且她的自我认同感也非常模糊。第二代女性拓荒者就是、独立且有责任感的女性亚历山德拉。在开拓过程中,她始终与自然保持密切关系,在此过程中意识到自己独特的性别认同。女性拓荒者的第三代是像玛丽一样的年轻女性。她清晰地明白女性与自然的关系和她的社会地位,反抗父权制对于女性身体和情感的双重压迫。 从生态女性主义角度探析《啊,拓荒者!》,本文意在展示小说展示了20世纪初性别政治,并探索了人与自然之间的新型和谐关系。
O, Pioneers! is one of Willa Cather’s famous Great Plain trilogy. The novel describes the frontier life of immigrants in the Midwest of the United States, and successfully depicts the female image of Alexandra. Many scholars have studied this fiction from several ways: pioneer, feminism and ecologism. According to the above research, this paper will analyze the novel from the aspect of deepening the theme, trying to reveal the relationship between nature and women in the novel. Ecofeminism is based on the assumption that there are critical relationships between the contradiction on the rule of anthropocentrism over nature and the conquest of male centrism over women. It is hoped that in the pursuit of the liberation for both nature and women, the dominant dualisms rooted in the patriarchal culture: man/woman, human/nature will be subverted; in this way the realization of the harmonious relationship of human with nature can be achieved. In O, Pioneers! The representatives of the first revolutionaries were Mrs. Bergson. What she shows is a typical image of “angel in the house”. She is aware of the identity of housewife and obedient to her husband’s rule. Her understanding of nature is at the initial stage and her self-identity is very vague. The second generation of female pioneers is represented by Alexandra, who is a strong, independent, and responsible woman. In the process of pioneering, she approaches nature and always maintains a close relationship with nature. She not only realizes the connection with nature, but also realizes her unique gender identity. The third generation of female pioneers is represented by young women like Mary. She clearly realizes the relationship between women and nature and her social status. She resists the patriarchal rule represented by her rough husband and pursues the freedom she yearns for. The tragic ending also makes people realize that women pursue freedom, equality, and identity in the patriarchal environment. The road is still long and full of hardships.



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