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 基于Tiebout效应的城市内部房地产市场分割及行政区划的边界效应 ——以北京市实证数据为例    




 管理学 - 公共管理类 - 土地资源管理    
























 Administrative districts, market segmentation, and border effect to housing price: evidence from Beijng    


 房地产市场分割 ; 城区边界效应 ; 地方公共服务资本化 ; 断点回归    


 market segmentation ; capitalization of public services ; border effect ; SRD    




本文的主要结论为:(1)北京市房地产市场内部确实存在市场分割, 且区一级行政边界对房价有显著的边界效应,例如海淀房价比丰台高出12.5%;朝阳房价比昌平高出14.4%。(2)发展差距较大的邻近行政区之间边界效应较大;发展相近的行政区之间的边界效应较小印证了Tiebout效应是房地产市场分割的主要原因,即行政区划对房价的边界效应可通过其公共物品供给数量和质量的差异来解释。


There exists big difference of housing prices across the administrative boundary of neighboring districts within Beijing. This phenomenon, viewed from academic aspect, is  market segmentation of real estate, and shown as the boundary effect of districts within the city. Besides, the greater the gap of economic deveopment between neighboring districts, which means the wider difference in public good supply, the more significant the boundary effect presents. This implies that Tiebout effect might be the inner reason, in other words, the capitalization effect of local public services. This paper, using regression discontinuity design, aims to quantify the boundary effect of districts on housing market and prove the capitalization of local public goods is the inner mechanism.

This paper first presents the literature review, which is illustrated from three aspects: the capitalization of local public services, the real estate market segmentation and boundary effect of administrative districts, the regression discontinuity design and capitalization of school-district housing. With such theory and research basis, the paper adopts sharp regression discontinuity design to do data analysisusing non-parametric and parametric estimation to check the significance of boundary coefficient and doing robustness tests.

The main conclusions are:(1)There do exist market segmentation within Beijing real estate market, and administrative districts within the city do have significant boundary effect on housing prices. In specific, the housing price in Haidian District is higher than Fengtai District, roughly 12.5%; while the housing price in Chaoyang District is higher than Changping District, about 14,4%. (2) The greater the gap of development of neighboring districts, the more significant the boundary effect is. This result proves that Tiebout effect is main reason of market segmentation. In other words, the boundary effect of districts can be explained by the difference of quantity and quality of supplied public goods .




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