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 沙拉金尼 ; 奈都 ; 女性政治家 ; “印度夜莺”    

& ltp& gt       沙拉金尼&dot奈都出身于印度海德巴拉,是&ldquo以政治为全职的第一位印度女性&rdquo,并因其极高的诗歌造诣被称为&ldquo印度夜莺&rdquo。她是第一位任国大党主席的印度妇女和印度历史上首位女性邦长。沙拉金尼&dot奈都在印度妇女史上占据着重要地位,她作为社会活动家和女性领袖,积极参与公共生活,给广大妇女树立了榜样,引导妇女走出家门,参与公众生活,拓宽了妇女的生存和活动领域,刷新了妇女的社会角色,引领了印度妇女参政的传统。本文以沙拉金尼&dot奈都女性政治家的身份为切入点,在介绍其生平和主要政治活动的基础上,结合印度的时代背景、奈都夫人的成长环境,以及甘地等领导人的支持和影响等因素,探讨在妇女地位普遍低下的印度,沙拉金尼&dot奈都如何冲破传统妇女观念成长为第一位走上政坛巅峰的印度女性这一问题。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt关键词:沙拉金尼&dot奈都;女性政治家;&ldquo印度夜莺&rdquo& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gt       Sarojini Naidu, born in Hyderabad, India, was the first Indian woman taking a full-time career in politics. She was regarded as the Nightingale of India because of her high achievements in poetry. She was the first Indian woman who became the President of the Indian National Congress and also the first female governor of Uttar Pradesh in Indian history. Sarojini Naidu occupied an important position in the history of women in India. As a social activist and a female leader, she took part in public life actively and set a great example for women. She broadened the living area of Indian women, refreshed the social role of women, and led women's political participation in modern India. Based on the introduction of Sarojini Naidu&rsquos life and major political events, this paper starts with her role as a female politician and takes the following factors into consideration: the historical background and the family environment of Mrs. Naidu and the support of other nationalist leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi. This paper tried to find the reasons of why she growed up into a female political leader.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtKey Words: Sarojini Naidu;female politician;the Nightingale of India& lt/p& gt




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