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 政府收车如何影响共享单车订单完成量 ——基于干预分析模型的视角    




 经济学类 - 经济学    


















 共享单车 政府 订单量 干预分析模型    

pAs an increasingly important way of travel in the daily life of residents,is a new mode of low-carbon environmental protection,green and clean combined with the Internet. In the process of its development,new problems such as random parking and occupying motor vehicle parking spaces have arisen. These problems cannot be solve only by enterprises themselves,which will give the government new challenges in the field of urban space management and administrative law enforcement. The background of this paper is that Qujing confiscated shared bicycles on a large scale in order to renovate its city appearance in the process of creating a civilized city in China. Based on the perspective of intervention analysis model,this paper quantitatively analyses the extent to which the government's shared bicycles collection reduces the order completion of Harrow's bicycles,and discusses the role of the government,enterprises and the public in the governance of sharing bicycles./p p /p





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