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 教练技术 ; 员工产出 ; 工作绩效    


  coaching ; employee work-related outcomes ; job performance    







This paper stars from the theoretical research of coaching: reviewing and summarizing the concept of coaching, finding the key point of coaching and discussing several coaching skills. The research question of exploring the relationships between managerial coaching behavior and self-reported role clarity, satisfaction with work, career commitment, job performance and organization commitment is presented after outcomes of managerial coaching and the effect that coaching has on employee growth and development are analyzed. Also, other research on the relationships between coaching and employee work-related outcomes including job performance is under consideration. Through setting up a hypothesized model, conducting a questionnaire survey and analyzing the data, this paper draws the conclusion that there are significant positive relationships between managerial coaching behavior and the all outcome variables (role clarity, satisfaction with work, career commitment, job performance and organization commitment) identified in the hypothesized model. Furthermore, the results reveal that managerial coaching behavior is a significant predictor for the five outcome variables mentioned above. This paper reflects the impact of and potential for managerial coaching practices in organizations. These study findings may not only assist managers and leaders to understand how managerial coaching behavior affects employee role cognition, attitude, and behavior but also identify and focus on the specific and matched coaching methods aimed at the characteristics of the employees to maximize their management and leadership effectiveness in organizations.

Key Words: coaching;employee work-related outcomes;job performance





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