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 中国人寿 广发银行 混业经营 并购    

& ltp& gt& ltp& gt在全球金融一体化的趋势下,我国逐渐由过去严格的分业经营向混业经营转化。随着银行系保险公司以及2012年中国平安并购深发展并购案例的成功推行,我国银行保险业之间的合作在进一步加深。在此背景下,中国人寿作为我国大型保险机构,于2016年3月收购广发银行股份从而成为广发银行第一大股东,为其今后成为综合性金融集团的战略定位奠定了良好的基础。本次并购也因其影响力大而受到广泛的关注。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt本文简要分析了银行保险业混业经营的必要性,介绍了并购双方基本情况以及并购过程。并从金融行业背景、并购方中国人寿、被并购方广发银行及转让方花旗银行分析了并购动因,并通过对比安联集团并购德累斯顿银行、平安保险集团并购深发展进行绩效预测。最后分析此次并购的机遇与挑战并得出启示。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt关键词:中国人寿广发银行混业经营并购& lt/p& gt& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gt& ltp& gtThe tendency of global financial integration makes financial industry in China transform from segregation operation into integration operation.  As the development of insurance companies with bank equity and the success of the merger between Ping An Insurance and Shenzhen Development Bank, the cooperation between the bank and insurance have been deepen in China these years.  In this background, China Life Insurance, known as the famous insurer in China, takes its first step to become a comprehensive financial insurance group by merging China Guangfa Bank.  And this merger has draw a lot of attention because of its significantly influence.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtThis essay introduces the importance and necessity of integration operation as the background of the merger between Ping An Insurance and Shenzhen Development Bank.  It also introduces the basic condition of the acquirer and target and the process of the merger.  Then, this essay analyzes the reason from several aspects, and predicts the performance by comparing with the Allianz merger case and the Ping An merger case.  Finally, the essay draws conclusion and revelation by analyzing the opportunities and the challenges in the merger between Ping An Insurance and SDB.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt & lt/p& gt & ltp& gtKey words: China LifeChina Guangfa BankMixed OperationMerger& lt/p& gt& lt/p& gt



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& #402)学位论文

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