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 Study on combustion synthesis of Eu-doped α-Sialon phosphors    


 氮化物荧光粉 ; 燃烧合成 ; 冷冻干燥 ; α-Sialon    


 Nitride Phosphors ; Combustion Synthesis ; Freeze-Drying ; α-Sialon    


氮化物具有十分丰富的晶体结构,通过改变激活离子周围的局部晶体结构,可使稀土离子 5d 电子发生晶体场劈裂,从而获得近紫外和蓝光激发谱以及丰富的发射光谱,包括红、绿、黄、蓝色发光。目前合成氮化物荧光粉体材料往往需要高温高压环境,寻找探索简单低廉的合成新方法来制备氮化物荧光粉一直以来是都人们的研究兴趣所在。燃烧合成是一种简单、低廉的制备硅基氮化物粉体的制备技术,相对传统的合成方法在能源利用与产物良率等方面都有优势。当前利用燃烧合成稀土掺杂硅基氮化物发光材料的报道较少,对于燃烧合成过程中稀土掺杂含量、及产物形貌控制缺乏系统深入的研究。本毕设课题采用高温燃烧合成方法,低成本、快速合成制备包括Ca-α-Sialon:Eu2荧光粉体材料;此外,在传统高温燃烧合成制备方法的基础上,引入冷冻干燥多孔陶瓷制备技术,制备原料颗粒分布均匀,空隙可控的坯体,之后通过坯体的燃烧合成反应获得粒径分布均匀,形貌、粒径可控的粉体产物。



Among massive kinds phosphors applicated in the white light LEDs, rare-doped silicon-based nitride and oxynitride phosphors have attracted much attention taking the advantages of better flexibility, composition-tunability and chemical stability. Generally, the synthesize of silicon-based nitride and oxynitride phosphors requires a high-temperature and N2-pressure furnace with long processing time with expensive materials, which leading to low practicality.

Due to these factors, a highly efficient and maneuverable method needs to be explored for industrial production. Combustion synthesis (CS) provides a facile and yet efficient method of preparing nitride phosphors. However, there has been little report on preparing α-Sialon phosphors by combustion synthesis. This graduate project fabricated Eu2+-activated Ca-α-Sialon phosphors by CS strategy. High purity, uniform and fine Ca-α-Sialon:Eu2+ with good luminescence were obtained by changing the starting compositions of reactants and optimizing the addition of NH4Cl. This work also combined the combustion synthesis method with freeze-drying technique to synthesize phosphors with uniform crystal growth and good grain morphology. This method is proved high efficient and low cost in this work, which may offer a potential candidate for the large-scale industrial production of nitride phosphors.

Key word: Nitride Phosphors;Combustion Synthesis;Freeze-Drying; α-Sialon




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