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 理学 - 数学类 - 数学与应用数学    


















 外汇衍生品 ; 公司价值 ; 对冲 ; 汇率改革    


 Foreign currency derivatives ; Firm Value ; Hedge ; Exchange rate reform    




Since the reforms of RMB exchange rate in 2005 and 2015, the RMB exchange rate fluctuates more strongly, and the currency risks faced by enterprises have significantly increased. We want to explore whether it is possible for firms to reduce the currency risks through the use of currency derivatives thereby improving firm value. This article conducts an empirical study on this issue based on unbalanced panel data from 3,219 companies in China from 2013 to 2018. It was found that before the foreign exchange reform in 2015, the use of foreign currency derivatives could bring about a premium of 8% to the company's value; after the exchange reform, the use of foreign exchange derivatives actually reduced the company's value by about 3% -5%. We suppose that this may be due to the appreciation and depreciation of the RMB before and after the exchange rate system reform. When the RMB appreciates, for those who long foreign currency, hedgers’ losses are relatively smaller than the non-hedgers’. However, when the RMB depreciates, the foreign exchange derivatives also reduce the hedger's possible gains. Because most companies' annual reports disclose neither the size nor the purpose of the company's foreign currency derivatives, we cannot accurately distinguish whether the firm's purpose of using foreign exchange derivatives is speculation or hedging. China's foreign currency derivative market is developing. Financial regulators should prevent possible excessive speculation. Also, firms are supposed to standardize risk management processes, establish and improve information disclosure system, and improve the efficiency and transparency of foreign currency derivative use.




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