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这些年来关于传统媒体转型的研究非常多,业界和学界从各个角度研究传统媒体尤其是电视媒体在移动互联网时代的转型方向,路径与策略。在当下特殊的时代背景下,“场景”成为继“内容”,“形式”,“社会关系”之后的媒体的第四个核心要素。一个优质的传播作品,一家成功的媒体企业,都要关注对于“场景”的探讨研究,与实践摸索。本文关注的正是互联网时代电视媒体转型的场景策略。 本篇毕业论文由六个章节组成,第一章是文章的绪论,有研究的目的及意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法和理论框架几个部分。第二章将场景策略进行分类,分别定义并阐述各自的优势。第三章是以三个实际案例来分析场景策略在实际应用当中的影响效力。第四章分析场景策略在实际应用中的影响,分正反两方面叙述,并探求解决问题之道。第五章关注场景策略在实际中遇到的问题和对策。第六章是全文总结。 经本文分析认为,两种场景策略——主动和被动场景策略创造了媒介与受众之间的接触点,使得内容,商业模式,政治诉求得以在场景当中表达。场景拓展了电视这种传统媒介的传播空间,为这个产业焕发新生带来了希望,也延长了电视媒体的生命周期。但也要看到,场景策略在实际操作过程中,存在很多潜在不足和弊端。如果场景策略不能较好地体察受众需求,则容易适得其反,引起受众的使用疲倦,和传播的肤浅与碎片化。In recent years, there are many researches on the media transformation. The industry and academic research people analyze the path and strategy of television media transformation in the era of mobile internet from various angles. In present special era background, the "scenario" has become the fourth core elements of the media apart from the "content", "form", and the “relationship". No matter a high quality communication work, or a successful media company need to pay more attention to the "scenario" and its practice. This paper is concerned about the scenario strategy of television transformation in internet era. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, including the research origin, research review, research framework and research methods. The second chapter is the about the classification of scenario strategies, their definitions and advantages. The third chapter is based on three actual cases to analyze the influence of scenario strategies in practical application. The fifth chapter is about the problems and solutions encountered in the practical application. The sixth chapter is the summary of the full text. By this analysis, the two kinds of scenario strategies – the active and passive scenario strategy create the contact point between media and audience, where the content, business model, and political aspirations can be expressed. The scenario expands space of television, bring out new vitality, and prolong its life cycle. But we should also see that there are a lot of potential problems and shortcomings in practical operation process. If the scenario strategy is not based on better understanding of the audience needs, things will go other way around. Audiences will be tired and communication will become superficial and fragmentized.



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