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 电子商务+农业 ; 作用 ; 问题 ; 建议 ; 增收    




At present, with the rapid development of Internet technology and agricultural development in the new stage. How to solve the supply and demand of agricultural products docking, and how to sell agricultural products at reasonable prices has become a major problem. Nowadays, through e-commerce + agriculture can help solve this problem. By using the method of data analysis and case analysis, summarizes several main modes of e-commerce + agriculture in China, and circulation less and reduce the time and space constraints, and the combination of the characteristics of logistics. Analyzing the current situation of agricultural development of our country electronic commerce + and favorable policy direction. The key part focuses on the analysis of the role of e-commerce + agriculture on agricultural development, through the data and case that it can promote the sales of agricultural products, promote the agricultural product quality control and promoting agricultural production specialization and industrial upgrading, to absorb the employment of the rural population, which will help the rural agricultural income poverty. Finally, analysis of the current our country electronic commerce and agriculture combined with the reality of development and obstacle factors, combined with the development experience of developed countries of agricultural e-commerce, puts forward the development of e-commerce of our country agriculture to + opinions and strategies: through technical means and improve the e-commerce platform refund complaints system, the government to strengthen the fight good basic network infrastructure and logistics, e-commerce training + agricultural workers professional knowledge guide thought and national renewal, through legislation and other measures to perfect the market of electronic commerce + agriculture.




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