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 对非援助 ; 中国 ; 美国 ; 埃塞俄比亚    



关键词: 对非援助;中国;美国;埃塞俄比亚


Since the beginning of the new century, China and the United States have continued to adjust their aid policies to Africa and increase their assistance. This paper firstly gives the basic introduction of the two countries' assistance to Africa, mainly from the perspectives which include the strategy of Africa, the motivation of aid and the amount of assistance. On this basis, this paper takes a case study of assistance to Ethiopia, furtherly analyzing the characteristics of aid of the two countries. As one of the most dynamic economies in Africa, the seat to the Africa Union, Ethiopia has received strong assistance from China and the United States for more than a decade. This paper compares the differences of two countries’ assistance by analyzing the advantages and problems of assistance so as to furtherly reveal the characteristics of assistance to Africa. Finally, this paper will give some inspirations and suggestions for China's future assistance to Africa. China urgently needs to promote transparency in foreign aid, and gradually promote the effectiveness of aid.

Key Words: Foreign aid to Africa;China; the United States;Ethiopia







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