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 事实 ; 价值 ; 理性    


 fact ; value ; rationality    

& ltp& gt  事实价值二分法这一悬而未决的哲学问题已经有近三百年的历史了。前二百年间,事实与价值的二分被当作一条铁律,而后不可避免地进入对此教条的反思与批判阶段。到目前为止,事实与价值二分法的大厦已经崩溃,但是一些思想的残垣断壁依然存在并持续对人类社会产生影响。所以彻底瓦解事实价值二分法就有了两个方面的迫切需要,一种需要来自于象牙塔中的学术思想探讨,另一种需要来自于&ldquo价值没落&rdquo的现代社会情境。为了达成这种彻底清除的效果,我们不得不推进以下三方面考察工作。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt  首先,需要考察事实价值二分法的历史形成过程,而本文用产生&mdash&mdash发展&mdash&mdash巩固三阶段还原了事实价值二分法的历史。文章第一章依次对休谟、摩尔和逻辑实证学派展开了相关文本解读和思想贡献评述两方面的考察,他们分别代表了产生、发展和巩固三个阶段。第一章的论述同时也揭示了事实价值二分法的两个核心论点:事实与价值绝对二分;从事实不能逻辑地推出价值。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt  其次,需要梳理历史上典型的事实价值问题解决方案,而本文对20世纪以来的国内外经典解决方案进行了述评。文章第二章分别对史蒂文森、赛尔、普特南和国内学者等提出的多种解决分案进行介绍和分析,既揭示了各种解决方案的成功之处,也指出了每种方案的局限不足。第二章的梳理为第三章新方案的构建提供了思想基础和方法论指南。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt  最后,需要探索一个全面、系统、彻底、包容的新方案,而本文以&ldquo理性&rdquo为核心尝试建立了一套清除事实价值二分法的新方案。文章第三章先提出了新方案的基本思路,即事实价值二分法的彻底清除依赖于两个&ldquo为什么&rdquo问题的解决,接着在发掘亚里士多德和康德理性观的基础上引入了&ldquo正与偏&rdquo一对范畴作为考察事实价值二分法的思想史背景的理论依据,进而以理性的&ldquo由偏转正&rdquo作为彻底清除事实价值二分法的新方案,最后说明了我们看待事实与价值关系的正确态度。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt  总体来说,本文的核心思路是&ldquo还原&rdquo、&ldquo梳理&rdquo、&ldquo统合&rdquo,对事实与价值问题的研究力图有新的贡献。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt关键词:事实;价值;理性& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gtThe fact/valve dichotomy has not been finished off, which is been nearly three hundred years old. In the first two hundred years, the fact/valve dichotomy was an iron law. Then, it went inevitably reflection and critical period of this doctrine. So far, the building of this dichotomy has collapsed, but the ruins of some thoughts still exist and continue to have an impact on the human society. So the total collapse of the fact value dichotomy has two aspects of the urgent need: one comes from the  investigation of academic thoughts and the other comes from the social reality of "moral decline". In order to achieve this effect, we have to promote the following three aspects of the work.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtFirst of all, it is necessary to investigate the historical formation process of the fact/value dichotomy. And in this paper, the history of the fact/value dichotomy is restored by the three stage of " emergence&mdash development&mdashconsolidation". The first chapter makes summary and assessment about the related thoughts and contribution on the dichotomy of David Hume、George Moore、Logical positivism in turn. They represented the three stages of the emergence, development and consolidation. The first chapter also reveals two key points of the fact/value dichotomy: the fact and the value is completely different. And, the value is not  logical reasoning conclusion of the fact.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtSecondly, we need to sort out the typical solutions to the fact/valve dichotomy in the history. And in this paper, the domestic and foreign classic solutions since twentieth Century are reviewed. The second chapter introduces and analyzes the solutions of C.L.Stevenson、J.R.Searle、Hilary Whitehall Putnam and domestic scholars. And this chapter reveals the success of the various solutions, but also points out the limitations of each solution. The work of sorting provides ideological basis and methodology guide to the construction of new program in the third chapter.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtFinally, we need to explore a new comprehensive,systematic, thorough and  inclusive program. And in this paper, we try to set up a new scheme to eliminate the fact/value dichotomy by the core of "rationality". and the "rational" as the core to try to establish a set of new method of removing the fact value dichotomy. The third chapter puts forward the basic ideas of the new scheme at the first: the thorough elimination of the fact/value dichotomy depends on the resolution of two "why" problem. Then, on the basis of the discovering Aristotle and Kant's rational view, it introduces  a category "positive and partial" as the theoretical basis to investigate the historical background of the fact/value dichotomy. And it puts forward a new scheme of complete removal of the fact/value dichotomy according to the "from partial side to positive side" of rationality. At last, it shows the correct attitude towards the relationship between the fact and the value.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtOverall, the core idea of this paper is "reduction", "carding" and "integration", aiming at making new contribution to the research of facts and values.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtKey words: fact;value;rationality& lt/p& gt



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