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 Co2+ ; 5-Cl-PADAB ; 海藻酸钠 ; 吸附 ; 指示    

& ltp& gt放射性元素半衰期长,且能够对基因造成不可逆的伤害。随着核能的发展,核废水中放射性核素的检测和处理处置是一个急需解决的问题。本文旨在制备一种同时具备吸附和指示水溶液中核素钴的新型生物材料。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt在EDC/sulfo-NHS作用下,海藻酸钠和指示剂4-& #405-氯-2-吡啶偶氮)-1,3-苯二胺(5-Cl-PADAB)通过酰胺键共价连接(该结果在红外谱图中得到很好的证明),合成了海藻酸钠改性固体。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt指示实验表明海藻酸钠改性凝胶微球对核素钴具备专一性的指示功能。当溶液中存在Co& ltsup& gt2+& lt/sup& gt时,海藻酸钠改性凝胶微球颜色发生肉眼可见的变化&mdash&mdash从黄色变为粉红色。当其与其他金属离子(如Cd& ltsup& gt2+& lt/sup& gt,Fe& ltsup& gt3+& lt/sup& gt,Cs& ltsup& gt2+& lt/sup& gt,Hg& ltsup& gt2+& lt/sup& gt,Mg& ltsup& gt2+& lt/sup& gt,Co& ltsup& gt2+& lt/sup& gt和Sr& ltsup& gt2+& lt/sup& gt)作用后,微球颜色未发生变化。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt对海藻酸钠改性凝胶微球对溶液中的Co& ltsup& gt2+& lt/sup& gt进行吸附研究。在室温条件下,海藻酸钠改性凝胶微球投加量为1.20 g/L,加入201.5 mg/L Co& ltsup& gt2+& lt/sup& gt的溶液中反应,吸附进行20 min时已基本吸附饱和,最大吸附量为25.99 mg/g。吸附动力学结果表明,该吸附过程拟二级反应动力学比拟一级动力学更好拟合了该过程,说明吸附过程中速率控制步骤是化学吸附过程。此外,多层吸附模型Freundlich吸附等温曲线拟合结果优于Langmuir吸附等温曲线,其计算所得的饱和吸附量为0.35mg/g& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gtRadioisotopes, which enjoy a long half-life, can irreversibly damage the gene. With the development of nuclear energy, it&rsquos vital to solve the problem the detection and disposal of radioisotopes in the waste water. A novel biomaterial was prepared to simultaneously detect and remove cobalt ions from aqueous solution.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtWith the help of EDC/sulfo-NHS, alginate containing ae group can react with 5-Cl-PADAB containing carboxy group. The analysis of FT-IR spectra proved that 5-Cl-PADAB was covalently connected to alginate. The modified alginate beads can effectively adsorb Co& ltsup& gt2+& lt/sup& gt and indicate the presence of Co& ltsup& gt2+ & lt/sup& gtin aqueous solution. After adsorption of, the color of the modified alginate beads changes from yellow to pink, resulting in a noticeable change which can be observed by naked eyes.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtA research was made for the modified alginate beads&rsquo absorption of cobalt ion. At room temperature, modified alginate beads& #401.20 g/L) were added to Co& ltsup& gt2+& lt/sup& gt& #40201.5 mg/L). At the first 20 minutes, with the maximum absorption of 25.99 mg/g, adsorption equilibrium was almost achieved. The study of the adsorption kinetics was made and the adsorption data fit better with the pseudo-second-order model than the pseudo-first-order model, indicating that it was the chemical absorption that delayed the absorption. Besides, the data of the adsorption of Co& ltsup& gt2+ & lt/sup& gtby the modified alginate beads was tested by Langmuir isotherm model and Freundlich isotherm model. With the R& ltsup& gt2 & lt/sup& gtup to 0.918 and the K& ltsub& gtF& lt/sub& gt equals to 0.35 mg/g, the latter multi-absorption model is more suitable explain this experience.& lt/p& gt



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