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This article would reconstruct the arguments of Pudgalavāda mainly basing on ātmavādaprati?edha in Abhidharmako?abhā?ya, and investigate the advantages and disadvantages of two programs for defending Pudgalavāda. The first chapter would introduce the position of ātmavādaprati?edha among the literatures having recorded Pudgalavāda and its author Vasubandhu’s theory about “no self ”(anātman). The second chapter aims to talk about two ways to establish pudgalavāda from Vātsīputrīya. Then to talk aobut the propositions which a good Pudgalavāda should insist and their challenges to Vasubandhu’ s theory.  The third chapter analyses the reasons why Vātsīputrīya   established the pudgalavāda and it’s criticizes for Vasubandhu, so that we can find out the expectations and theoretical end line that Pudgalavāda should meet at least. The forth chapter would investigate the positive and negative programs for defending pudgala and point out the reasons why they were either enough for defending Pudgalavāda. Finally this articale would rethink the value of Pudgalavāda, review the possible defects of the above discussion defences, and analyze the possibility of further defending pudgala.





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