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 经济学类 - 经济学    
























 宗族文化 ; 家务分工 ; 家谱 ; 社会压力    


 Clan culture ; Household work ; Genealogy ; Conformism    




Using data from CFPS (2010), this paper uses the genealogy as a proxy variable of clan culture to study the impact of clan culture on the gender division of housework. This paper mainly finds that those husbands in the families with a genealogy bear a lower share of housework than those without a genealogy. Further, this paper distinguishes between two forces of culture persistence, i.e., intergenerational transmission and conformism, finding that husband’s share of housework depends more on the pressure from his community (conformism). Husbands conform to the traditional pattern of housework division in other families within the same community. And the conclusions above are robust to all kinds of tests, including alternative measurements of clan culture, alternative definition of community, more control variables, more accurate samples, and nonlinear models. The social pressure formed by clan culture mainly affects men, but not significant for wife’s housework time and husband’s share of time spent on caring for family. Also, the effects of clan culture are more significant in rural areas than urban areas, which have been more modernized. Moreover, clan culture also has different effects on the division of housework in different provinces in China. As an informal institution, clan culture will continue to influence household division of labor in the foreseeable future. However, modernization, marketization, and community-level policies on promoting culture of equality will surely promote gender equality.




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