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 教师工作满意度 ; 结构方程模型 ; 二阶验证性因素分析 ; 影响因素    

& ltp& gt本文基于中国人民大学248位教师的实证调查数据,运用描述统计、文献分析法和结构方程模型相关理论,建立了高校教师工作满意度的二阶验证性因素模型,包括工作条件、组织管理、薪酬、人际关系、自我实现五个子维度。根据问卷信度效度分析以及模型相关指标检测,本模型适配度合理。研究结果表明:构成高校教师工作满意度的主要因素按解释能力从高到低排序依次为组织制度满意度、工作条件满意度、自我实现满意度、薪酬满意度、人际关系满意度;本次调查中,人大教师对人际关系方面的满意度最高,对薪酬回报的满意度最低;男性教师的工作满意度高于女性教师,主要体现在组织管理、薪酬和自我实现满意度上;30岁以下和60岁以上的教师工作满意度较低,30-60岁的教师满意度相差不大;职称会影响教师工作满意度。& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gtBased on empirical survey of 248 teachers from Renmin University of China, this thesis establish a second-order confirmatory factor model of university teachers job satisfaction by using deive statistics, literature analysis and structural equation modeling theory.The model hasfive sub-dimensions including conditions of work, organization and management, compensation, interpersonal relationships and self-actualization. According to the questionnaire reliability and validity analysis and model test, the model reasonable fit. The results show that: the main factors&rsquo sequence constituting the university teachers' job satisfaction model according to the explanatory power of the order of highest to lowest is organization and management, working conditions, self-realization, compensation and relationshipthe teachers of RUChas a highest satisfaction onrelationship but a lowest satisfaction on salary job satisfaction of male teachers is higher than that of female teachers, which mainly differs in organization and management, compensation and self-satisfaction teachers who are younger than 30 and over60 have a lowerjob satisfaction while teachers whose agesare between 30 to 60 seem to be similar titles will affect teachers' job satisfaction.& lt/p& gt



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