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 文学 - 外国语言文学类 - 英语    


















 The Androgynous Characters in The Ballad of the Sad Café: A Failed Challenge     


 伤心咖啡馆之歌 ; 卡森·麦卡勒斯 ; 雌雄同体角色    


 The Ballad of the Sad Café ; Carson McCullers ; androgynous characters    






The Ballad of the Sad Café is a novelette written by American female novelist Carson McCullers, and it has been considered as one of the most creative stories of McCullers. The lyrical story is so impressive because of its settings, languages, and themes, but most importantly, the characters that McCullers created. It portrays a story of a triangular love relationship which involves the café owner Miss Amelia, the hunchback Cousin Lymon, and a good-looking ruffian Marvin Macy. Among the three main characters, Miss Amelia and Cousin Lymon are two of the most representative characters of all McCullers’s works for their androgynous characteristics. Miss Amelia, though physically set as a woman, has been masculinized by the author, while Cousin Lymon is in a completely opposite situation. Behind of the peculiar reverse always hides the certain aims of the author; and in this particular story, the theme of loneliness and love, the queer tradition in McCullers’s works, and a challenge to the traditional gender stereotypes in the United States of America in between 1920s to 1940s, though eventually a desperate failure.

       From the perspective of characters, this essay will deeply analyze the two androgynous characters in this bizarre love story, their impact on traditional notions of gender, and the failed outcome of the challenge. The essay will involve the following five chapters: Chapter One is a brief introduction to Carson McCullers and The Ballad of the Sad Café, consisting of a retrospect of Carson McCullers’s life, some of her famous work, and the main plot of the novelette. A literature review by chronological order based on the current studies of McCullers is also expected to be learnt in this chapter. The second chapter will focus on the settings and the main themes of The Ballad of the Sad Café. The reason why McCullers chose the particular settings of the enclosed southern town and her consistent themes of loneliness, love and grotesquery, as well as their profound influence on the androgynous characters and the end of the story will be analyzed in this part. The third chapter is an analysis of the two main characters, Miss Amelia and Cousin Lymon, including the expatiation of their characteristics and the reason why they can be considered as androgynous characters. Chapter four follows up with an original textual explanation of the characters' challenge to the traditional gender stereotypes and the inevitable failure it. The main causes of the failure will be listed and discussed in this chapter. The fifth chapter is the conclusion.

       The main research methods of this paper are literature research, textual analysis, and logical reasoning.






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