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 中国大学生线上购物影响因素研究: ——心理活动及购买决策    




 管理学 - 工商管理类 - 工商管理    










 工商管理(Global BBA)    








 Study on the Influencing Factors of Online Shopping for Undergraduate Students in China: Internal Activities and Decision Making    


 消费者行为 ; 网络购物 ; 营销    


 Consumer Behavior ; Online Shopping ; Marketing    








关键词:消费者行为   网络购物   营销



The rapid expansion and distribution of the internet in recent years have led to the rapid creation of online shopping for goods and services. The influence of internet shopping on consumer purchasing behavior will be the subject of this article.

The most difficult questions for marketers are why purchasers do or do not do what they do. Such knowledge is essential for marketers since knowing buyer behavior sheds insight into customer decision-making. The factors influencing consumer purchasing decisions are exceedingly complicated. It is firmly founded in psychology, with a dash of sociology tossed in for good measure. It discusses how groups such as family, friends, and society in general impact the consumer.

Consumer purchasing behavior is influenced by strongly held beliefs and attitudes, their understanding of the world and their role in it, common sense, impulse, or just plain taking. Customers primarily confront two sorts of buying decisions: new purchases, which are difficult to make owing to a lack of trust in decision-making; and repurchases, which are easier to make since the consumer has experience purchasing the product.

This paper will mainly focus on psychologically analyzing consumer buying behavior in online marketing on four factors. Cultural factors, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors. At the end of this article, a set of 99 valid answer sheets is collected. Among these answers, most respondents believe that personal factors are the most influential factor affecting their consumption behavior. As most of the participants in this questionnaire are university students, most of them do not have a stable income, yet rely on their parents for pocket money. This article will deeply analyze the consumption behavior of most people when shopping online, as well as their psychological structure. Finally, this article will think about what kind of marketing methods companies or brands can use to fit these psychological characteristics of consumers, to link them with marketing practices.


Key Words:Consumer Behavior   Online Shopping   Marketing







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