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 称义 ; 成圣 ; 外在性 ; 治理    


 justification ; sanctification ; exteriority ; govern    




Justification by faith is a fundamental principle of Protestant theology, but the Catholic Church charges that this principle denies the value and significance of good works and will inevitably lead to the perversion and corruption of believers. In order to maintain the basic position of Protestant theology and properly explain the necessity of good works, Calvin must establish and define a clear connection between justification and sanctification. To this, Calvin, on the one hand, evacuates the interior dimension of justification, replacing it with pure exteriority, which results in an exhaustive distinction between justification and sanctification and denial of the causal relationship between them, and on the other hand, he refuses that one owns intrinsic ability towards holiness—the turn from evil to good, good works and the perseverance of them, all depend on the power of the Holy Spirit. Based on this, Calvin believes that justification and sanctification are distinct but inseparable twofold graces of Christ, which gives a close but external connection between justification and sanctification. This "strange" relationship between justification and sanctification is based on the "union with Christ". In Calvin's view, union with Christ means the governing-governed relationship between Christ and the believer, and justification and sanctification are the manifestations of Christ's governance. For Calvin, the union of man with Christ is an exterior union, and the influence of Christ on man is an exterior governance. Calvin denies the somewhat ontological connection between man and Christ and the ontological righteousness in justification. It is the exteriority of union with Christ that brings about the externality of the connection between justification and sanctification. Through these teaching, we can also further understand Weber's analysis of Calvinism. Calvin's emphasis on sanctification actually gives believers the possibility to "create their own salvation" through their own efforts. In this respect, Calvin and Luther show a relatively great difference.




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