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 地方政府债务与中国区域经济增长 ——基于地级市面板数据的实证分析    






















 地级市 ; 地方政府债务 ; 经济增长     


 prefecture-level administrative regions ; government debt ; economic growth    




This paper uses the fixed effects model to make the quantitative analysis about the relationship between the government debt and regional economic growth, using the sample of 344 prefecture-level administrative regions from 2006 to 2015 in China. We found that there was significant U type relationship between government debt and regional economic growth, which means that there is a negative relationship between the two when the debt is low, but when the debt burden increases to a certain extent, the debt will promote economic development. So we cannot determine whether it is beneficial to the economy simply by debt scale. What's more, this paper divided GDP into different industries regions to conduct empirical researches. The results found that there are different relationships between the two, significant U type for the secondary industry and no relationship for the first and tertiary industry. Lastly, this paper divided our country into two parts, and made separate empirical researches. The results showed that there is significant U type in the Midwest part, and the negative relationship in the east part.




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