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 开放式基金流动性管理模型 ——基于蒙特卡洛模拟和京东小金库实证测试    






















 流动性 开放型基金 Miller-Orr模型 蒙特卡洛模拟    


 Liquidity Open-end Funds Miller-Orr model Monte-Carlo Simulation    

& ltp& gt& ltp& gt众所周知,流动性、安全性和收益性是金融产品的三个重要特性。近几年来,类似余额宝、京东小金库的货币型基金因为较高的收益、可靠的安全性和较好的流动性受到了广泛的关注和认可。作为基金的管理者基金经理而言,这类提现需求较高的产品(开放型基金)给流动性的管理带来了一定的挑战,从资产配置的角度而言,应该如何在收益性、安全性和流动性三者之间寻求一个平衡呢?本文主要从产品收益性和流动性的角度提出了一个数量模型,以确保基金经理可以在保障流动性的基础上获取较高的收益;同时借鉴Miller-Orr的现金管理模型,降低基金现金管理的操作难度。论文实证部分通过运用京东小金库的实际数据和基于正态分布的蒙特卡罗模拟,给出了实际应用中的可行解和区间。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt关键字:流动性开放型基金Miller-Orr模型蒙特卡洛模拟& lt/p& gt& lt/p& gt& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gt& ltp& gtAs is known to all, liquidity, security and profitability are three important acteristics of financial products. Recently, some monetary funds like Yuebao, JD treasure assets has received widespread attention and recognition because of high profit, reliable safety and good liquidity. As fund managers, such financial products with high withdrawing requirements higher product & #40open-end fund) has brought some challenges to liquidity management. Therefore, how to seek a balance between profitability, safety and liquidity? This article mainly put forward a quantitative model, in order to ensure that managers can earn higher yield on the basis of ensuring liquidity. In the meantime, we referred to Miller-Orr&rsquos cash management model to reduce the operational difficulty in cash management. The empirical part of the paper tested the model in real use & #40JD treasure) and Monte-Carlo Simulation & #40based on normal distribution), which gives a feasible solution and a reasonable range of practical application.& Key Words:Liquidity Open-end Funds Miller-Orr model Monte-Carlo Simulation& lt/p& gt& lt/p& gt& lt/p& gt



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