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 行为金融理论 ; 证券市场 ; 投资者行为    


 behavioral finance theoriesthe securities marketinvestor behavior.    

& ltp& gt行为金融学这一概念兴起于上世纪80年代,并很快在世界范围内形成了一股学术热潮。与传统金融理论不同,行为金融学更着重于研究投资者(包括机构投资者和个人投资者)决策时的心理动机以及相关心理因素对投资决策行为的影响。我国对于行为金融学的研究起始于20世纪90年代末,国内学术界目前普遍把它定性为&ldquo金融学、心理学、行为学、社会学等学科相交叉的边缘学科&rdquo。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt我国学界近三十年内在行为金融学领域不断深入,逐渐着眼于我国证券市场具体问题的应用性研究,已取得了不少阶段性的成果。本文将研究对象对准中国证券市场的投资者,试图从行为金融学的视角,较为深入地探究心理活动及其行为特征,并研究他们的行为对证券市场所造成的影响。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt本文主要分为五个部分:& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt第一部分对行为金融学在国内外的研究成果进行了简单梳理,指出了这一学科分支在我国的研究尚存在广度和精度上的不足。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt从第二部分到第四部分,本文对行为金融学的理论框架以及投资者常见的认知偏差进行了梳理,总结概括了我国证券市场及投资者的特征,并引用了相对强弱指标 & #40VRSI) 和心理线指标 & #40PSY)对中国股市的投资者情绪进行实证分析,指出我国投资者非理性、情绪极易受影响的行为特点。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt第五部分为结论与对策,即我们如何运用行为金融的理论指导实践,理性应对并改善我国证券市场的不足。& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gtIn contrast to traditional financial doctrines, behavioral finance pays more attention to the psychological motives of investors, be them individuals or institutional investors, in the process of decision making. Chinese scholars began to delve into this field in the 1990s and at present behavioral finance is defined as &lsquoa marginal subject that includes finance, psychology, ethology, sociology, etc.&rsquo.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtChinese academic community has made significant progress in the field of behavioral finance in the past 30 years, especially in terms of the specific Chinese securities markets. This essay focuses on the investors in the market, studying their mental activities and behavioral acteristics and how their behavior affects the market performance.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtThis essay is divided into five parts:& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtChapter 1 introduces main research achievements from home and abroad in this field, pointing out the deficiency of behavioral finance study in China at this stage.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtFrom Chapter 2 to Chapter 4, behavioral finance theories and investors&rsquo cognitive biases are elaborated, the acteristics of Chinese investors in the market summarized, and VRSI and PSY introduced to analyze investor sentiment in Chinese securities market, leading to the conclusion that Chinese investors are biased and their emotions are easily affected.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt Chapter 5 focuses on the conclusions and practical solutions which may help, using behavioral finance theories, to build a better securities market.& lt/p& gt



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