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 The Bursty Dynamics of Online Sales: A Case Study on Jingdong    






















 The Bursty Dynamics of Online Sales: A Case Study on Jingdong    


 e-commerce ; time series ; burst detection ; sales prediction    


 e-commerce ; time series ; burst detection ; sales prediction    


An e-commerce transaction record contains basic information such as the product, the user and the purchasing time. As the online shopping becomes popular, a large amount of transaction records have been continuously generated by users.

In this paper, we make use of the large volume of transaction records and products. We propose to detect and use the bursty patterns to analyze sales time series. So far, most existing studies use burst detection in text mining area, like study the news burst to detect new events. However, few have applied this method on e-commerce area.

We consider a problem of analyzing transaction records in both temporal and semantic domains, with the specific goal of identifying the best-seller and less-sold, aperiodic and periodic products. The transaction records of each product are transformed to a time series, where each element is the sales count at a certain point of time. With bursts detected, we categorize products into several types with the bursty feature. In addition, we also propose a method to use the the features to predict the future sales.

Keywords: e-commerce, time series, burst detection, sales prediction




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