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 主播与观众语言互动对电商直播流量转 化的影响研究 ——以奥迪汽车直播为例    




 管理学 - 工商管理类 - 市场营销    


















 汽车直播 ; 语言互动 ; LDA ; 主题建模 ; 营销策略    


 live streaming about car ; LDA Topic Modeling Language ; interaction Marketing strategy    


直播电商的互动对于促成交易有重要意义,而语言互动是其中最常见的互动方式。为探索主播与观 众语言互动对电商直播流量转化的影响,本文在现有研究的基础上,重点关注主播的主动互动、主播讲解 的广度和深度、用户的主动互动、用户询问商品的广度和深度这些因素,并通过主题建模的方式对直播间 的主播讲解文本和观众评论弹幕数据进行聚类,以量化各因素的表现。研究发现:汽车直播中,主播和观 众的主动互动都会对直播间的转化造成正向影响,主播讲解的深度也会产生正向影响,而主播讲解的广 度会产生负向影响。本文的研究具有一定的理论和实际意义,采用汽车直播的原始数据,拓宽了直播研究 的行业范围,关注直播带来的实际经济价值,丰富了直播观众购买决策的相关研究,同时针对汽车品类的 研究结论也更容易被用于其他类似耐用消费品的研究中。


The interaction of live broadcast e-commerce is of great significance to facilitate transactions, and language interaction is the most common way of interaction. In order to explore the impact of the language interaction between the anchor and the audience on the conversion of e-commerce live broadcast traffic, this paper focuses on the active interaction of the anchor, the breadth and depth of the anchor’s explanation, the active interaction of the user, and the breadth and depth of the user’s inquiry about the product based on the existing research. In-depth analysis of these factors, and clustering the anchor’s explanation text and audience comment barrage data in the live broadcast room through topic modeling to quantify the performance of each factor. The research found that: in the car live broadcast, the active interaction between the anchor and the audience will have a positive impact on the conversion of the live broadcast room, the depth of the anchor’s explanation will also have a positive impact, and the breadth of the anchor’s explanation will have a negative impact. The research in this paper has certain theoretical and practical significance. Using the original data of automobile live broadcasting, it broadens the industry scope of live broadcasting research, pays attention to the actual economic value brought by live broadcasting, and enriches the relevant research on the purchase decision of live broadcast audiences. The conclusions of the study are also more likely to be used in other studies of similar consumer durables.






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