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 管理学 - 管理科学与工程类 - 信息管理与信息系统    
























 名人代言 ; 品牌销售额 ; 文本挖掘 ; 舆情分析 ; 面板回归    


 Celebrity endorsement ; Sales revenue of the brand ; Text mining ; Sentiment analysis ; Panel regression    





  Nowadays, market competition is becoming increasingly fiercer. As a result, many enterprises adopt differentiated marketing strategy to outstand their product or service, especially in building the brand image and shaping the brand's humanistic ideas. Using celebrity endorsement is an effective way of differentiated marketing to establish the brand image and the brand's humanistic ideas. In recent years, emerging problems like sky-high endorsement fees and credit crisis of celebrity endorser make enterprises reconsider if celebrity endorsement is worth the cost and can really promote brand's sales.

  This paper incorporates text mining techniques to explore the impact of the characteristics of celebrity endorsers on the sales revenue for the brand. After proposing the hypotheses, the characteristics of the celebrity endorser are quantified by constructing the evaluating system for the celebrity's popularity, the sentiment of the public opinion for the celebrity, the matching degree of the brand and the celebrity endorser, etc. With explanatory variables and dependent variable identified, a panel regression model is established to explore the relationships between the brand sales and the characteristics of the celebrity endorser. Based on the sales data of 126 brands and their corresponding celebrity endorser from September 2017 to October 2018, an empirical study is conducted to test our hypotheses. From the results, we find that the popularity coming from the passive attention of the general public to the celebrity endorser, the positiveness of the public opinion for the celebrity endorser and the matching degree between the brand and the celebrity endorser can improve the sales revenue for the brand. We also find that gender of the celebrity endorser, the popularity coming from the active attention of the general public to the brand and the brand promotion have a positive effect on the brand's sales revenue. In contrast, the popularity coming from active attention of the general public to the celebrity endorser have negative impact on the sales revenue for the brand.




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