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 家务劳动对女性来说意味着什么 ——来自马克思主义女性主义的分析    
























 Marxist FeminismHouseworkWomen’s Liberation    

& ltp& gt本文尝试在马克思主义女性主义框架下,将女性问题放在资本主义劳动分工所创造的&ldquo女性角色&rdquo中,定义和分析家务劳动对于女性的意义,并探讨由此视角出发的女性解放之路。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt因为家务劳动在女性问题中扮演了重要的角色:家务劳动是资本主义劳动分工之下女性基本的劳动方式,此外家务劳动还有助于强化性别分工所塑造的女性角色。要分析女性在资本主义家庭结构中所受到的剥削、探讨女性解放之道,不能绕过家务劳动这一话题。理清家务劳动的实质、辨明它对女性的塑造和影响、以及探索以此为出发点的斗争方式,是十分有必要的。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt在写就过程中,本文有一个重要假设:所有女性都是家庭主妇,即使那些在家庭以外有工作的也依然是家庭主妇,要承担家务劳动。因为,不论她在哪个地方,属于哪一个阶级,都是家务劳动决定了她的地位。此处的家务劳动不仅包含着它数量和劳动性质的意义,更为重要的是包含了因其产生的关系。此外,本文要确定的是工人阶级的女性角色,聚焦于工人阶级女性的地位。但这并不意味着只有工人阶级女性受到了剥削&mdash&mdash工人阶级女性角色的创造对于资本主义生产是必不可少的,因而也就成为了其他所有女性地位的决定因素。任何把女性作为一个特定阶层的分析都必须来自于对工人阶级女性的位的分析。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt本文结构安排如下:& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt首先,分析资本主义是如何摧毁了此前存在的不同类型的家庭,创造了现代家庭,并将女性孤立在家庭中的。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt其次,对资本主义通过工资来进行统治、谋求发展的方式进行分析,探寻资本如何通过家务劳动对女性进行隐藏的剥削。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt然后,进一步探讨资本如何塑造并强调女性角色,尤其是&ldquo无能&rdquo的女性角色,从而巩固上述剥削机制。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt最后,结合以上分析,探讨有效的女性解放斗争之路。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt & lt/p& gt & ltp& gt关键词:马克思主义女性主义家务劳动妇女解放& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gtThe aim of this paper is to put the issue of women in the female role created by capitalist division of labor, to define and analyze the significance of housework for women from the aspect of Marxist feminism, and to explore the certain way of women's liberation from this perspective.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtIt is because housework plays an important role in female problem: housework is the basic mode of labor for women under the capitalist division of labor, and housework also helps strengthen the female role shaped by the gender division of labor. To analyze how women suffer from the capitalist family structure and the way of women&rsquos liberation, we cannot bypass the topic of housework. It is necessary to identity the substance of housework, clarify its influence on women, as well as set it a starting point to explore the methods of struggle.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtThere is an important assumption in this paper: all women are housewives, even those who have jobs outside the home also remains housewives assigned with housework. Because, no matter where she is, no matter which class she belongs, it is housework that determines her status. Housework here includes not only the significance of that number and the nature of work, but, more importantly, the relationship arises from it. Additionally, this paper is to determine the role of the working class women, and focus on the status of working-class women but this does not mean that only the working class women are being exploited &ndash the creation of working-class female role is essential for capitalist production, therefore, it become the determining factor in all of the other women's status. Any analysis of the women as a particular class must come from the analysis of working class women.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtThis paper is organized as follows:& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtFirstly, analyze how capitalism destroys different types of family before it and the creates the modern family, in the mean time isolates women in the family.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtSecondly, analyze how capitalism rule through wage, explore how capital conduct hidden exploitation of women though housework.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtThirdly, further explore how capital creates and reinforce the idea of female role, especially the incapability of the female role in order to consolidate the mechanism of exploitation mentioned above.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtFinally, try to demonstrate a truly effective way of struggle to achieve women's liberation.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt & lt/p& gt & ltp& gtKey Words: Marxist FeminismHouseworkWomen&rsquos Liberation& lt/p& gt





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