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 近代怀疑论 ; 古代怀疑论 ; 均衡方法 ; 辩证法    


 Modern Skepticism ; Ancient Skepticism ; Method of Equipollence ; Dialectics    




This paper intends to deal with the complex relationship between Hegel's philosophical system and skepticism in the perspective of Hegel's distinction between "ancient skepticism" and "modern skepticism". Hegel discusses this distinction mainly in texts such as "The Relation between Skepticism and Philosophy" and Lectures on the History of Philosophy. This paper will also focus on these major works. The introduction briefly discusses the problem. The first part of this paper shows the meaning of "modern skepticism" and "ancient skepticism" by revising their concepts in the modern philosophical sense. In the second section, it is pointed out that the basic form of modern skepticism that Hegel will deal with is "Schulzean skepticism" in the framework of the history of philosophy. Hegel equates it with dogmatism. The third section shows how Hegel uses ancient skepticism to dissolve and complete modern skepticism, and then argues that the basic form of ancient skepticism that Hegel will deal with is the "Method of Equipollence" and the "Antinomies" based on the it. And then this part presents the problems caused by ancient skepticism. The fourth section tries to reconstruct the basic idea of Hegel's treatment of skepticism in the light of the distinction between those two kinds of skepticism. Finally, the concluding section concludes this paper.




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