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 游戏产业 产业竞争力 运营模式 政策分析    

作为一个新兴产业,游戏产业自其在中国产生至今已历经十数年风雨。中国的游戏产业虽然饱受质疑却发展迅速,而今已经在诸多互联网软件公司的营业份额中占据最重要的地位。同时,在中国经济转型的今天,游戏产业作为互联网、软件技术和文化传播产业的综合体,可以看作是高新技术和文化产业的一个缩影,同时也是其他相关产业发展的一个发动机。游戏产业发达的欧美、日韩无不是拥有先进的高新技术的国家,同时也是文化价值观输出大国。 十八大以来,我国提出“文化强国”的理念,以完善文化市场体系、提高文化开放度、大力发展信息消费产业为目标。在此大方向下,正是我国发展游戏出版产业的良好契机。因此,对我国当前游戏产业进行观察,分析我国游戏产业的优势和不足,进而扬长避短,促进我国的游戏产业可持续健康发展,是我国相关部门、经济学者以及游戏爱好者必须重视的一个课题。 本文旨在通过分析我国的游戏产业的总体竞争力、观察企业的运营模式和政府的相关政策,并与周边的游戏产业大国进行对比,从而为我国的游戏产业的规制和发展提出一些建议。本文共分四个部分,第一部分绪论,提出相关的选题背景和意义,介绍前人的相关理论研究成果;第二部分从整个产业的宏观角度出发,从竞争环境、产业实力、内在潜力等方面,对游戏产业的竞争力进行相关的研究;第三部分从企业的微观角度出发,研究相关的企业的运营模式和盈利模式;第四部分从政府政策出发,主要通过分析我国对游戏产业的相关政策,分析我国政策中存在的问题并提出相关建议。 As an emerging industry, game industry has experienced ten years of wind and rain in China. China's online game industry is developing rapidly, and now has occupies the most important position in many Internet software company. At the same time, during the economic transformation in China today, the game industry as a complex of Internet, software, technology and culture industry, can be regarded as a high and new technology and a microcosm of culture industry, as well as an engine of other related industry development. As game industry developed country, Europe and the United States, Japan and South Korea are countries with advanced high and new technology, is also the output power of cultural values. After The 18th annual congress of the communist party of China, our country put forward the concept of "cultural power", to improve the cultural market system, to improve cultural openness, to develop the industry of information consumption. Under the general direction, it is a good opportunity to develop game publishing industry in China. Therefore, to look at the current game industry in China, analyses the advantages and disadvantages of game industry in our country, and foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, promote sustainable development of the game industry in our country, is a subject that our country related department, the economists and the online game enthusiasts must pay attention to. The purpose of this paper is to through the analysis of the competitiveness of China's game industry, observing the operation mode of the game enterprises and government policies, and compared with surrounding online power, thus put forward some suggestions for the regulation and development of our country's game industry. This article is divided into four parts, the first part is introduction, puts forward relevant background and significance of topics, introduces the relevant theories of predecessors' research achievements; The second part starting from the macroscopic point of view of the whole industry, do related research of the competitiveness of the gaming industry between the competitive environment, industrial strength and potential ,etc.; The third part starting from the microscopic view of an enterprise, research related to the operation mode of the game enterprises and profit pattern; Fourth part embarks from the government policy, mainly through the analysis of the relevant policies of game industry in China , analyzes the problems existing in the policy and put forward some related suggestions.



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