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 Game Study of Germany Energy Transition     


 能源转型 可再生能源法 传统电力公司 可再生能源     


 Germany ernergy transition renewable energy law traditional utilities renewable energy     





  After the Fukushima nuclear leakage accident in 2011, German government immedieately decided to shut down many domestic nuclear stations and officially restarted energy transition plan which has been impeded many years. So far Germany has made great success in this arena around the world. It achieved that the percentage of electricity supply generated by renewable energy consistently increased and hopefully reach its 2050 energy development goal. However, Germany energy transition is not realized in one night and definitely damage interests of many parts. This game focused on the legislation and amendment of German Renwable Energy Act and recognition from traditional utilities. Under the effort of developing renewable energy industries, grass activities, social organizations and German government, Germany finally won these two games and launched energy transition plan successfully. China as a responsible great country that not only attaches importance to economic development but also environmental protection, erergy transition is also emergent for it. Germany model could give China correspondent learning experience in this arena. 

Key words: Germany ernergy transition; renewable energy law; traditional utilities; renewable energy 







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