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 战争、宗教与现代国家的形成 ——《利维坦》“恐惧”概念分析    




 法学 - 政治学类 - 政治学与行政学    


















 War, Religion and the Formation of Modern State---An Analysis About the Fear of The Leviathan    


 《利维坦》 ; 战争 ; 宗教 ; 恐惧 ; 现代国家 ; 革命    


  The Leviathan ; War ; Religion ; Fear ; Modern State ; Revolution    




For Hobbes, the war and the religion have always been the factors that threatened the existence of a state. The very original sources, the media and the consequences of the war and the religion are the special passion that is personal-affecting, direct-reality affecting and universal applying. The fear of ambiguous future and others give birth to the war and the religion and at the same time, the creations strengthen the creator-the fear itself. This is the reason that people walk into long lasting and universal state— “The State of War” and they found themselves not able to run away from. Although fear is a threat to establish and keep a political society, it is also the tool that a political society can be built and kept. People conquer the vain glory and start to follow reason , alliance and obedience because of the fear. The special fear of “the violent death” build the possibility of moderation and construction and therefore people walk out of the natural state. But the origin of the fear to the war and religion has only been suspended, mutualized, instrumentalized, personalized by Hobbes. The consequences are the double dilemma about safety and the legitimacy that modern states have to face. During peacetime, the state is only a stage for special interest groups to compete for interests. However, there are class revolutions and external international wars. The revolution is powerless to end the revolution. The war continues to transmit war. Internal and external influences affect each other. Leviathan still faces fear. Its choice is either product and regulate fear, or is swallowed up by fear. The reason why Hobbes' fear concept can become an important clue of its theoretical framework is influenced by the author's personal experience, the reality of the atmosphere of the times, and the theoretical appeal of the emerging bourgeois world outlook. Its theoretical significance is rooted in the rise of modern countries. The special historical moment when the old authority was broken while the new authority was not established. This paper hopes to clarify the initial state of the birth of modern countries and the fundamental logic of governance through the analysis of Hobbes' fear concept, combined with the specific historical background of the bourgeois revolution, thus clarifying the contemporary political problems and the realistic challenges facing the state theory.








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