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 宏观经济信息对企业外汇风险暴露的影响 ——基于中国A股上市公司的实证研究    




 理学 - 数学类 - 数学与应用数学    
























 The response of enterprises’ foreign exchange rate exposure to macroeconomic news --Based on the empirical study of Chinese A-share listed companies    


 外汇风险暴露 ; 宏观经济信息 ; 事件研究法    


 Foreign Exchange Rate ; Exposure Macroeconomic Information ; Event Study    




Chinese enterprises' foreign exchange risk exposure has became a heated topic since 2010, when China's nominal GDP surpassed Japan’s and ranked second in world's economic aggregate list. In the meantime, the cross-border trade settlement business of RMB grown increasingly eye-catching. To explore the foreign exchange risk exposure of China A-share listed companies, as well as the impact of macroeconomic information on foreign exchange risk exposure, this paper takes 712 A-share listed companies in China as the research object. There are 975 trading days in total during the research span from January 1st, 2016 to December 31, 2019. We obtained the daily data of company quotation, exchange rate, short-term interest rate and market index from RESSET and Wind databases. Together with these data, the foreign exchange risk exposure coefficient was calculated using four models such as AD Model and Jorion Model. Then the influence of macroeconomic information on the direction of the average foreign exchange risk exposure coefficient of the company was analyzed by means of event study. The empirical results show us that A-share listed companies in China have a poor overall ability to withstand foreign exchange risks. Compared with the euro and the yen, when the value of the yuan changed relative to the dollar, the company's value was most affected. The study also found that macroeconomic information had no significant impact on the change direction of foreign exchange risk exposure of the companies, but the macroeconomic information involving import and export had a greater impact on the average foreign exchange risk exposure of the sample companies. What’s more, "good news" had a greater impact than "bad news". Through the analysis of this paper, we provide suggestions for the managers of the company to make long-term and short-term strategic decisions, and for investors to decide on hedging positions in stock, or in asset pricing.




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