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 精神分析学角度的电影视觉快感 通过劳拉穆尔维凝视的理论浅析《最后一场电影》    






















 凝视的理论 ; 视觉快感 ; 精神分析    

& ltp& gt二十世纪七十年代,劳拉&dot穆尔维( Laura Mulvey)提出凝视的理论(The theory of the gaze),并认为凝视是视觉快感的来源,同时,在电影中,女性角色的存在意义即是为男性观众提供视觉的快感。由此,本文旨在将关注点置于七十年代的凝视理论,即穆尔维的《视觉快感与叙事电影》(Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema),并通过该理论结合彼得博格达诺维奇导演1971年的作品《最后一场电影》(The Last Picture Show)从精神分析学的角度分析女性角色呈现于荧幕的画面。穆尔维将性别的差异用于电影叙事的分析当中,且通过分析女性角色的画面总结出叙事电影之所以能够吸引观众是因其提供了视觉的快感。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt因此,本文旨在分析在《最后一场电影》中女性角色的画面,在此过程中,将探讨观众的视觉快感如何被满足。此外,凝视的理论在分析的过程中将被用于深入研究的手段,同时,分析该理论对于当今社会的意义,首先,该理论有助于了解和研究二十世纪七十年代的女权运动,另外,该理论在帮助观众了解所观看的电影也大有助益。& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gtThe theory of the gaze in 1970s was developed by Laura Mulvey & #402003), and it put forward the opinion that the gaze is the source of visual pleasure. In the movie, the meaning of the existence of the female is to provide the visual pleasure to the males. Therefore, this essay focuses on the gaze theory in 1970, and wants to analyze the image of the female in the movie of The Last Picture Show. This essay is based on the famous essay written by Mulvey, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. Mulvey&rsquos essay put forward the gaze theory from the aspect of the psychoanalysis. In her paper, the gender difference was applied to discuss the narration of the film, and by analyzing the image of the female, it is concluded that the narrative film attracts the audience by providing the visual pleasure.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtTherefore, this essay tries to analyze the image of the female in the movie of The Last Picture Show. By analyzing the female image, the question that how the visual pleasure is satisfied will be discussed. Besides, during the analysis, the gaze theory will be elaborated in an in-depth method. The meaning of the gaze theory to our current world will also be analyzed. The analysis of the gaze theory is still important in today&rsquos world. On one hand, the analysis of the gaze theory can help us understand the feminist movement in 1970s. On the other hand, the gaze theory is effective in helping audiences understand the film they are watching.& lt/p& gt



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