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& ltp& gt近年来人们日常生活中使用的通讯方式随着网络技术的发展和各类社交平台的兴起逐渐趋于多元化。在提高了用户通讯和生活质量的同时,通讯方式的复杂化也带来了诸多的安全问题。市面上出现过一些将各平台通讯录信息整合到一起形成电子名片的应用,但这些应用依然存在着诸多缺点:一方面在将通讯信息存储到本地的情况下,一旦本地文件损坏或手机遗失,信息的寻回将是一个巨大的难题;另一方面由于平台的多元化和社交方式的多样化,名片交换过程中应设置分级,对用户的敏感资料进行合理的保护,消除安全隐患。因此,需要一种电子名片的管理共享系统,来对用户的通讯信息整合、备份并实现合理有效共享。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt    本文主要介绍了一种云名片安全共享系统中的云端存储功能和访问控制功能的实现,通过Hadoop和基于属性加密技术结合在云端备份用户名片信息并安全共享的同时,实现细粒度的访问控制,为用户提供便捷安全可靠的使用体验。实现的主要功能有:信息丢失,资料可以寻回;设置级别定向交友;对于可见资料进行分类,联系人查看资料权限分级。作为原型与示范,在安卓手机和Ubuntu虚拟机上进行了功能实现,本文设计的方案具备安全、智能、便捷等特点,易于推广。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt & lt/p& gt & ltp& gt关键词:云存储电子名片访问控制CP-ABE& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gtIn recent years, with the development of Internet technology and the rise of various social networking platforms, the means of daily communication become more and more diversified. Though these diversified communication means have improved the quality of communication and life, they have caused some security problems at the same time. Nowadays, some apps can consolidate address books of different platforms into e-card, but these apps are coming with shortcomings: on the one hand, if we saved the communication information in cellphone, once the local files were corrupted or the phone was lost, it would be too difficult to find the phone. On the other hand, because of the diversification of communication means and social networking platforms, the interchange mode of e-card should not be limited to scanning face to face. Online interchange mode should be taken into consideration. What&rsquos more, the interchange process of e-card should be ranked and we should protect the sensitive data of users and try to eliminate the security risks.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtThus, it is quite necessary to design a management and sharing system of e-card so that we can consolidate, back up and share the communication information effectively.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtWe designed a safe cloud management and sharing system of e-card for fine-grained access control in order to make the user experience safer and more reliable. The data will be backed up in the cloud and be shared safely. The main function includes that: the e-card can be found though the phone lost the data are accurate and comprehensive while the system is concise and clear direct pal. From the perspective of safety management, the system can help sort out the visible data and grading the authority of viewing the contact information. As a sample, the functions of this system were implemented in the Android mobile phone. In a word, this system is safe, intelligent and convenient and it is easy to be replicated.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtKey Words:cloudstorage e-cardaccess controlCP-ABE& lt/p& gt



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