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 新京报 北京晚报 两会报道 内容分析    

目前国内媒体均形成了成熟的“两会”报道模式,但由于媒体性质、立场、定位等差异,不同媒体对“两会”的具体呈现亦有所不同。 本文采用内容分析法和比较分析法,选取《新京报》、《北京晚报》2015年“两会”报道进行分析,从而揭示出两报的“两会”报道在内容、方式和风格上的差异:《新京报》的报道模式更加宏观、全面,重视对“两会”内容的深度分析与解读,强调自身观点和态度的表达。《北京晚报》的报道模式较为细致、微观,关注百姓,立足民本,反映与民生相关的“两会”信息,满足公众的基本信息需求。 二者的差异受到报道对象的性质、报纸定位、编辑方针等因素的影响。同时,两报也为其他媒体在同质化竞争中如何进行差异化报道提供借鉴。 As a great conference related to the benefits of the nation and the people’s livelihood, the national “NPC and CPPCC” always attracts the attention of the media and public. Since most media have formed their own “NPC and CPPCC” report modes, the way of their reportages are not the same because of the different media nature and media positions. Using the methods of content analysis and comparative analysis, this essay selected the Beijing News and the Beijing Evening News as the research objects and analyzed their 2015 “NPC and CPPCC” reports. Through the research, we drew the conclusions that there are great differences regarding the news styles and features of the “NPC and CPPCC” reports in these two newspapers. The Beijing News has a more macroscopic and comprehensive news mode of the “NPC and CPPCC” and it attaches more importance to the expression of its views and attitudes, reporting the information with the depth analysis and interpretation. While the Beijing Evening News has a microscopic and specific news mode. It focuses on reporting on the information closely related to people’s livelihood, aiming at meeting the basic information needs of people. Through the construction of different news mode, the two newspapers reflected the “NPC and CPPCC” to audiences from different angles. Much of this discrepancy is not accidental, but largely depends on the nature of the news sources and reported targets, newspaper orientation, editorial policy and so on. Besides,it also provides a typical example for other newspapers to seek for differences of the “NPC and CPPCC” reports in the rival of the news homogenization.



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