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 数字时代 ; 复制权 ; 私人复制    

随着数字时代的到来,新技术再次给版权法带来了很大的冲击。在前数字时代,复制一直是版权法的核心概念。由于传统的大众传媒具有组织性和规模性的特点,同时,复制的手段和物质载体的种类有限,因此,复制行为被作为一种侵权行为的准确先兆,而受到权利人复制权的控制。历史证明,这一以复制权为中心的体制对于在前数字时代的技术条件下保护权利人的版权是有效的。但是,随着数字技术和网络技术的普遍应用,完美无缺而成本近乎为零的复制得以实现,使得“原件”这一版权领域的传统用语几乎失效,同时,网络的诸多特性又使得原本只能被动接受信息的公众获得了接近传统传媒的传播能力。于是,作为在电子时代已经出现的老问题,私人复制再一次成为人们关注的焦点。但是,由于将“复制”作为思考这些问题的起点,而在数字网络环境下,复制已经不全然是公开的、目的明确的商业行为,更多的是一种技术附带性的客观现象和个人隐秘的非商业使用行为,因此,用传统的复制权及其限制理论来调整数字网络环境下的这些问题在理论上是存在问题的。随着“向公众传播权”概念的提出,本文认为上述对于传统版权法造成重大冲击的问题,实质上是侵犯了权利人传播权。这些“复制”本身并没有对权利人造成损害,因而应当将其合法化,而转而控制实质上造成损害的传播行为。基于此,本文认为,在数字网络环境下,复制权相对于传播权而言应当居于次要地位,而对于整个版权法而言,复制权作为与传播权并立的构建起版权权利体系的两类权利模式之一,仍然具有其存在的价值,并且仍将发挥相当的作用。 Along with the digital age coming, the new technologies again bring much impact to the copyright law. Before the digital era, copy is always the core concepts of the copyright law. Since the traditional mass media have organized and the large-scale characteristics, and at the same time, the means of copy and the types of the material carrier are limited, the behavior of copy is under the control of the right holders, as a kind of the accurate auras of the rights violations. History proves that using the system of which copy is the center concept under the technology conditions before the digital age to protect the copyright of the owners is effective. But, along with the common use of the digital technology applications, the copy, of which the quality is perfect and the cost is almost zero, is realized, which makes the traditional word "original copy" in the copyright law a failure, and at the same time, the features of the network multimedia make the public who can only accept information in the past gain a communication ability close to the traditional media. So, as in the electronic age, private copy has again become the focus of attention. But, since copy is no longer a completely open behavior with clear purpose of business, but usually a technology supplementary objective phenomenon and secret personal behavior with non-commercial use, in the digital network environment, there are problems in using the traditional copy right and its limit theory to adjust the private copy problem. With the concept of “right of communication to the public” being put forward, this paper argues that the problems above are essentially infringing the transmission right of the right holders. The behavior of copy is not causing any damage to the right holders, and therefore should be legalized. It is the behaviors of spread, as the cause of the damage, should be controlled. So, in the digital network environment, compare to the right of transmission, the right of copy shall be in the secondary position in the copy right law, and for the whole of the copyright law is concerned, the right of copy will still has the value of its existence, and will still play an important role in the copyright law.



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