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 生涯适应力 大五人格 主动性人格 趋向与逃避气质    


关键词:生涯适应力 大五人格 主动性人格 趋向与逃避气质 生涯适应力(career adaptability)作为与职业发展有关的职业领域新理论,代表了个体 能够应对为了适应和参与到工作角色中所遇到的可预知的任务或是应对由于工作过程和 工作环境变化而带来的无法预知的调整的一种能力。通过对生涯适应力的研究,学者们能 够更好地预测个体在职场中的行为,同时也能通过职业训练改变个体的某些状态来更好地 升对于职业生涯的适应能力。人格作为个体特有的特质模式,在生涯适应能力的形成中, 起到了十分关键的作用。现有围绕生涯力的研究大都集中于和人格的关系探索中,其中又 以大五人格、主动性人格和趋近与回避气质为主。这三种人格分类作为基本的分类维度, 基本涵盖了大多数人格特征,且三者之间又相互补充,能够有效地预测个体的生涯适应力。 通过对生涯适应力和人格特质的关系研究进行总结,可以梳理出国外对这一领域的研究进 展,并从中发现未来可行的研究方向,从而进一步扩大生涯适应力这一概念以及和人格的 联系在职业发展领域的应用。



As a new concept in career development area, career adaptability represents a kind of
ability that individual can cope with the predictable tasks of preparing for and participating in the
work role and with the unpredictable adjustments prompted by changes in work and working
conditions. By studying career adaptability, researchers can better predict the behavior of
individuals in career life and also change the condition of individuals through career training in
order to improve the adaptive capacity. Personality is a unique trait that everyone owns which
differs from others and it plays a key role in the development of career adaptability. Present
researches mainly focus on the relationship between the personality and career adaptability,
especially concentrate on big five personality, proactive personality and approach/avoidance
temperament. These three categories are the basic dimension of personality which cover most of
personality characteristics and these three are also complementary so that they can predict the
career adaptability of individuals effectively. By summarizing the researches on the relationship
between career adaptability and personality, we can carding the progress of the exploration in
this field and find out the future research directions so that enlarge the applications of career
adaptability and its relationship with personality in career development area.





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