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 韩国 ; 中国 ; 自由贸易协定 ; 农业 ; 农产品    

& ltp& gt摘要& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt中韩两国自1992年建交以来,双方在贸易和其他经济合作领域都取得了巨大的发展。为了进一步发展贸易和经济合作,中韩之间建立了自由贸易协定(FTA)。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt由于韩国农业的脆弱性和重要性,两国间关于农业的合作必将是趋势总体愉快的。本论文将对于在两国的协定中农产品的争论的焦点和韩国农业可能产生的影响进行研究,并对韩国如何在劣势面前调整方向,为韩国农业界争取更多权益提出自己的看法。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt随着世界经济全球化的快速发展,而且中韩两国之间在各方面之间的贸易合作程度不断加深。中韩两国的贸易有两项特点:一是高速的交易规模增长;二是中国一直处于逆差的状态。这一不平衡的状态是1992年那年开始已存在的矛盾,这问题在两国发展过程中并没有改变,反而最近呈现着扩大的态势。而中国在农产品贸易当中却一直是顺差状态,所以对韩国来说中国是非常重要的农产品进口市场。随着世界经济全球化的快速发展,而且中韩两国之间在各方面之间的贸易合作程度不断加深。韩国农产品贸易对于中国来说基本上一直处于逆差状态,但是,韩国的科技与技术正好利于中韩两国之间关于农产品贸易的合作,同时,这农业大国不但在境内也一直有很大成果,而且在国际市场上的竞争力也日益大幅增大,因此中国的农业市场从全世界进行有关探索的研究者们收到了热烈的关注。为进一步健全完善中韩两国农产品贸易过程中的农产品国际竞争力的研究的理论和方法提供文献积累,论文展开论述,希望本分析资料在中韩两个国家有关部门制定农业和经济发展策划等方面以参考资料而提供帮助,并且希望通过本次的研究为中韩两国农产品贸易的发展现状和发展情景提出更好的建议。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt & lt/p& gt & ltp& gt关键词:韩国   中国   自由贸易协定   农业   农产品& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gtAbstract& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtSince China and the ROK established diplomatic relations in 1992, the two sides in trade and other economic areas of cooperation have achieved great development. In order to further develop trade and economic cooperation between China and South Korea has a free trade agreement & #40FTA) of the idea. For various reasons, so this process has yet to begin. The recent news that the first half of this year, will start the negotiations.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtAs South Korea's vulnerability and the importance of agriculture, the negotiations on agriculture between the two ries is bound to be difficult. This paper talks on free trade agreements on agricultural trade negotiations, Korea and South Korea the focus of debate the possible impact of agricultural research, and how the disadvantages of Korea before the adjustment direction for the ry to fight for more rights and interests of the agricultural sector put forward their own views .& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtThesis is divided into five parts to start discussion, the first part is the introduction, introduces the research background, content, significance and research methods. The second part is the trade between Korea and China discussed the status of, and between Korea and the necessity of establishing a free trade agreement. The third part is the Korea-China agriculture market analysis, including Korea-China agriculture market analysis of their situation, Korea-China agriculture  products trade analysis of the current FTA negotiations, Korea and part of the negotiations on agriculture the focus of debate and arguments on both sides of. The fourth part of the paper is to analyze the vulnerability of Korean agriculture and the importance of agriculture to the case of Korea, South Korea FTA negotiations to secure more benefits for domestic agriculture. The sixth part of the paper is the conclusion.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt & lt/p& gt & ltp& gtKeyWords: Korea  China   Free Trade Agreement   Agricultural Products Agriculture& lt/p& gt




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