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 开放式基金 公司治理 公司绩效    


  Open-end Funds Corporate governance Corporate performance    




After the downturn since 2008 financial crisis for 4 to 5 years, The Open-end Funds return to the market as a group of refreshed investors. The Open-end Funds are both conditional and willing to hold equity in company and be active in corporate governance for its features that are common with other institutional investors or unique. However, the expecting governance effect seems not to be achieved. This paper dealt with 11 quarterly panel data to complete an empirical analysis on the Open-end Funds cash flow influence on corporate governance and performance. We find that corporate performance has a positive relationship with the Open-end Funds cash flow, but a vague one with governance. The outcome shows that the Open-end Funds prefer short-term chase sell in their investment decision, ignoring structural support to real economy.




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