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 R语言 阿司匹林 limma GSEA lasso    




Patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) are at an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Aspirin (ASA) is well-known inhibitor of platelet function and prevents CVD, however, T2D patients appear to be “resistant” to the effects of aspirin. The molecular mechanisms that underlie the differential response in T2D patients are unknown. Using statistical analysis, we try to find if there are genes / networks / pathways that change in response to aspirin exposure, specify them and compare them between healthy (HV) and T2D cohorts to see if there is any difference. In the first part of our analysis, we examine the batch effect, using t test in R, and then apply limma method and GSEA to find out the statistically significantly expressed genes / pathways in both cohorts. In the second part, we try to fit a model to explain the relationship between the total 13029 genes and the dependent variable, pfsi and find out the most responsible genes.





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