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 网络剧 盈利模式 粉丝效应 社群领袖 差异化    

& ltp& gt 我国互联网不断发展,网民人数不断增多。在线视频观看的人数也在持续上升。2015年,我国网络剧发展迅猛。我国网络剧盈利模式目前还比较单一。主要是广告植入盈利、付费购买盈利。在多年免费观看视频的风气的影响下,愿意付费观看的观众还是占少数。但是《盗墓笔记》网络剧的上线,带动了巨大规模的会员选择付费购买。《盗墓笔记》网络剧由同名原著小说改编而成,在《盗墓笔记》小说发行期就积累了大量的粉丝。粉丝自发聚集在一起,形成一个个社群。作者南派三叔在写作之余,也慢慢将小说经营成一个文化品牌。小说的粉丝一部分分化为作者的粉丝,在社群领袖南派三叔的引导下,越发加深对于盗墓笔记的热爱。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt    积累的粉丝在网络剧开播后对网剧起到了非常大的作用。许多小说粉丝观看了视频,大量的话题数和社交媒体的热度也影响了许多没有看过原著小说的观众。为了可以尽快看完整部剧,许多人纷纷购买了会员。在网络剧播出后,推出的游戏也吸引了很多粉丝。还有一些人选择了购买原著小说、漫画和周边产品等。粉丝效应下,原本不被看好的付费模式获得了良好的盈利。这也让我们发现了粉丝经济对于网络剧的促进。一个有着良好经营的粉丝社群,对于产品、品牌的支持力度远远超过普通消费者。因此,重视粉丝对于网络剧的作用,打造高质量、好内容、符合粉丝期望的IP网络剧是目前制作商应该做的。& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gtWith the development of China's Internet, the population of netizens has been growing. In 2015, the web series had developed dramatically in China. The web series&rsquos profit model in our ry at present is still single, mainly ads into profit, pay for profit. Under the influence of free watch atmosphere for many years, person who are willing to pay for it are still in the minority. But &ldquoThe Graver Robbers&rsquo Chronicles&rdquo web series brought a huge scale paid members. " The Graver Robbers&rsquo Chronicles " web series that accumulated a lot of fans in the period of novel issue was adapted from the same original novel. Fans spontaneously gathered together to form communities. The author Uncle Three also slowly has been managed the novel into a culture brand. Some fans of the novel, meantime as the fans of author, increasingly deepening the love for The Graver Robbers&rsquo Chronicles under the guidance of community leaders Uncle Three.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtAccumulated fans play an important role after the web series broadcast on Internet. A lot of novel fans watched the web series. At the same time, a lot of topics and high heat also affected many audiences who didn't read the original novel. In order to watch full series as soon as possible, many people bought the members of video website. After the series was broadcast on website, the relate game also attracted a lot of fans. And some people chose to buy original novels, comic books and peripheral products. Fan effect, originally underachieving pay mode get a good profit. This also let we find that fans economy can promote the web series. With good management, a fans community support the product and brand, which is far more than ordinary consumers. Therefore, we should attach great importance to the fans that play a role of the network, and it is essential to create high quality, good content and IP web series living up to the expectation of fans.& lt/p& gt



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