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 论美国法上管制性征收的判定标准 ——以多因素平衡规则的演变为中心    






















 American Regulatory Takings Rules Examined--Centered on the evolution of the Multi-factor Balancing Rule    


 管制性征收 ; 多因素平衡 ; 绝对规则 ; 警察权 ; 权利束    


 regulatory takings ; multi-factor balancing ; per se takings ; police power ; bundle of rights    




The debate on regulatory takings in the U.S. jurisprudence has lasted for more than 150 years. From 1870 to 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court set three basic principles (physical invasion, noxious use, and diminution of value) to determine when regulatory takings are constituted. But as these three principles are rather categorical and contradicted each other incessantly, the multi-factor balancing rule was established in 1978 to mitigate such contradictions by absorbing these three principles. However, from 1978 to 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court tried to make the three principles independent and categorical again. It established three per se rules (permanent physical occupation, deprive of all economic-viability, and substantially advance) to exclude the application of the rather flexible multi-factor balancing rule under certain circumstances. Nevertheless, after 2000 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled stringent restrictions on the applications of the three per se rules, and multi-factor balancing rule reclaimed its primacy to determine when regulatory takings are constituted. The reason behind the development of the rules is that the multi-factor balancing rule is compatible with the “parceling problem”. The current analytical approach to delineate regulatory takings is fairly clear.




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