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 电子名片 数据库 服务器 保密通信 访问控制    

& ltp& gt随着智能手机的逐渐普及,人们已不再局限于单一的电话和邮件两种社交工具,而是新增了诸如微信、QQ、微博等新的社交工具,这使得互联网时代的每个人在网络上拥有多种联络方式。社交工具的多样化,一方面给人们的日常交流带来了方便,另一方面,每个人联络方式的增加,也使得联系人资料的收集和整合变得十分必要。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt因此,现行的电子名片系统应运而生:用户将个人资料填入应用中,即可生成自己的电子名片;在生成电子名片之后,用户可以将其以图片的形式发送给他人,以此达到交换自己所有联系方式的目的。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt但是,现有电子名片系统由于保存名片中联系人信息时操作繁琐、联系人信息丢失后难以寻回以及用户信息保密性不强等缺点,很少被用户使用。针对现行电子名片系统的几个缺点,本小组设计了一种云名片安全共享系统,旨在解决现行电子名片系统存在的使用不便、缺少备份以及安全性不足等问题。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt本文将介绍在系统实施过程中本人所进行的工作,包括数据库搭建和服务器通信,并且具体叙述系统能够完成的各项功能。除此之外,文中还将介绍系统中采取的安全策略以及系统预防信息泄露的措施,并进一步进行系统安全性的分析,详细论述系统的安全性。& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt & lt/p& gt & ltp& gt关键词:电子名片; 数据库;服务器;保密通信;访问控制& lt/p& gt
& ltp& gtThe prevalence of smart phone has promoted the occurrence of a variety of social apps like WeChat, QQ and Weibo, and largely broadened the traditional functions of a phone for calling only, which ensures the users multiple on-line contact methods in information age. Diversification of social apps has brought us huge convenience to daily communication, but on the other hand, it also urges the collection and categorization of different information under the name of each contacts.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtTherefore, the prevalent e-card system is coming: a user will get an e-card after typing in his/her information the e-card can be sent to others in form of picture to finish exchanging all the available contact information.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtHowever, the prevalent system is not commonly used because of complex operation in saving contacts&rsquo information, difficult recovery after information lost and weak security. In order to solve the problems above, our team has designed a cloud-based e-card system.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gtThis article will mainly introduce what I have done during implementation, including the database design, setup and safe server communication part of the system. Meanwhile, the article will also introduce the security strategy and the measure for protecting private information adopted by the system, with the further analysis as well as more details about the system security.& lt/p& gt & ltp& gt & lt/p& gt & ltp& gtKey Words: E-card DatabaseServerConfidential CommunicationAccess Control& lt/p& gt



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